Your Support Matters

Poverty has been described as this really large picture of misery that affects people you don’t know. Consider the following points and you’ll see that chances are you do know someone who needs help:

  • Approximately 1 in every 10 people under the age of 65 in the U.S. don’t have insurance
  • 1 in every 8 households does not have access to affordable or nutritious food
  • Only 23% of African Americans and 16% of Hispanics have a bachelors degree
  • A person making minimum wage in DC brings home $31K annually but an average 3-bedroom rents for $27,600

The billion dollar price tag placed on the solution makes you feel as though you can’t help. Medici Road is here to let you know that you can join our fight to end generational poverty.

Donate to Medici Road

a 501c3 organization

I was fortunate to speak to Thomas Houston about an opportunity to provide capital for one of his many development projects, but learned that Medici Road was involved in so much more than just providing affordable housing. The work that Medici Road does to bring change to systemic issues in low-income communities, OTHER than disparities in housing inspires me to put my money where my mouth is. It is my pleasure to support Thomas and the entire team at Medici Road in any way I can.
Alicia Cotton-Doney
I didn’t donate to Medici Road. I contributed to the development of a better community for my family. My gift was so that I could support the sharing of the data I was seeing and the scaling of the programs that I helped design in a community design thinking session.
Lee Smith